First Day of My Last College Semester

Today, I embark on my path to a career. I officially see the clearing from the woods and understand the steps to take to find my place in the adult, responsible world. These four years at San Jose State have filled me with independence, confidence and excitement for a world without school. Continue reading

Fresh Start at 6 am

Daily, productive, healthy habits almost vanished this summer. Finishing four season of Madmen, memorizing “Day Man” from Always Sunny in Philadelphia and stalking on facebook took precedence over awesome ways to improve my life. And now I’m ashamed. . .

Now I’m ready to make a ‘go’ happen with these goals for my final year of college:

1. Wake up every morning 6:30-7am. Time to join the professionals’ sleeping patterns and drop the crazy-college stay up till the wee-morning and sleep way into the afternoon.

2. Writing more on here! How could I not write about all the funny experiences of Galileo? Why was I not reviewing world news? Perfect opportunities to practice my art on my own terms and stumbleupon crushed them.

3. Working out. I hope that this early morning time will be filled with deep thoughts and a burn in my tummy. Yes I’m skinny, but its time to start working for it. Got to stop resting on what I’ve and start working to improve.

4. Schedule every second of my day!

5. Network at things like Tweet Up and get lunch once a week with a different classmate. I’m afraid I’ll be leaving SJSU completely friendless because I dedicated my free time to a stupid boyfriend. One year to start make that change.

6. For every negative thought I think, I want to instantly think of a positive from that same situation.

Great first morning! Time to run and hit the SJSU Gym.